Fox Hunt – Sunday 23rd March
Fox Hunt Results:1st ZL1RKW Ryan 28mins 2nd ZL2DRS Richard ZL2RHS Rhys 51mins 3rd ZL2AUB Pete 1hr 25mins 4th ZL2IAN Ian 1hr 40mins ZL2GX Giovanni DNF Fox was Jack ZL2JAK @ Robert Park
Fox Hunt Results:1st ZL1RKW Ryan 28mins 2nd ZL2DRS Richard ZL2RHS Rhys 51mins 3rd ZL2AUB Pete 1hr 25mins 4th ZL2IAN Ian 1hr 40mins ZL2GX Giovanni DNF Fox was Jack ZL2JAK @ Robert Park
This month's AREC training was focused on using ropes and learning knots we might use to hold poles up and a shelter together.
Charlie ZL2CTM demoed some of his homebrew radios. He has given the link below as a great text for homebrew. Solid State Design For The Radio Amateur 1986
Great weekend had out at Kopane Schools Field.
Sunday Fox Hunt Results. 1st Pete ZL2AUB 40 mins 2nd Damon ZL1ELC 43 mins 3rd Barry ZL2BJA 46 mins 4th Jack ZL2JAK 54 mins 5th Ian ZL2IAN 55 mins 6th Richard ZL2RGB 56 mins Fox was Ryan ZL1RKW @ Rangitane Park
Saturday 7th December saw the end of year get together for the Manawatu Amateur Radio Soc Christmas Beano at the RNZ Navalmans Club in Palmerston. As well as the great nosh-up that was had, there was presentations made and it was all finished off with a quiz made up of 30 questions, 20 general knowledge and 10 Amateur Radio related. Teams of 4 to 5 answered the questions in lots of 10 questions and then passed their answer sheet to another team for marking. Adam ZL2FOX was once again the M.C.and provided some entertainment along the way. I must be a lucky charm because I have been on the winning team 3 out of the last 4 years. Thanks for the winning teams chocolates Adam, they went down a treat. Allan ZL2SKY
Final afternoon gathering of the year.
Sunday Fox Hunt Results. Order of Arrival: Ryan ZL1RKW Jack ZL2JAK/Ian ZL2IAN Richard ZL2RGB Mike ZL2MH Barrie ZL2BJA Pete ZL2AUB/Kevin ZL2KM Giovanni ZL2GX Fox Hunt with Sam ZL2WE as the Fox at Awatea Reserve
The HamCram weekend and exam were held on the 9th and 10th of September. Congratulations to the 9 pictured candidates who all passed! We’ll update this post once their callsigns are confirmed. Welcome to the hobby, and we’ll catch you on the air.